What we’re currently excited about

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Technical Lecture at the Digital Farming Conference in Berlin: Your Fields. Your Rules. Your Data.

On May 17, 2022, the Digital Farming Conference took place in Berlin with the motto "Ploughing Away for Digital Progress". Also taking part in the conference were Benjamin Bönisch and Dr. Tobias Plötzing of ETO GRUPPE TECHNOLOGIES GmbH. Their technical lecture showed how for instance the new technologies by farmunited GmbH, a subsidiary of ETO GRUPPE TECHNOLOGIES GmbH, help to collect data in agriculture, to use them for sustainable and efficient cultivation and to share or sell them profitably with the help of Distributed Ledger Technology. 

For sustainable and efficient logistics: ETO GRUPPE invests in Swarm Logistics, the specialist for smart transport solutions

ETO GRUPPE, located in Stockach, Germany, is investing in the Swarm Logistics GmbH. The start-up from Stuttgart, Germany, has specialized in software development of fleet control systems for manned and unmanned transport systems. Together they intend to contribute significantly to the logistics of the future.

Another milestone on the way to the digital future: ETO GRUPPE invests in Filancore GmbH

The Stockach-based ETO GRUPPE invests in the start-up company Filancore GmbH. Its innovative and secure solution for digital authentication within the Internet of Things enables the ETO GRUPPE to take another step closer to its vision:
To digitally network dynamic applications and process flows to make them even more secure, efficient and smooth through highly intelligent data management.

Trustworthy Autonomous Driving by Decentralized Authentication and Authorization (TRADE)

Together with its project partners Filancore GmbH and the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, ETO GRUPPE has received funding funding for the TRADE project as part of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) announcement "KMU-innovativ: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien". TRADE stands for TRustworthy Autonomous Driving by DEcentralized Authentication and Authorization and deals with the research and development of an identity management solution and original parts protection of in-car components taking into account all stakeholders in the automotive life cycle based on distributed ledger technology.

Germany’s Most Attractive Employers: ETO MAGNETIC Awarded by F.A.Z. Institute

ETO MAGNETIC is one of Germany’s Most Attractive Employers 2021 among automotive suppliers. This seal of approval signals the high standards lived at ETO to customers and employees. In times of a shortage of skilled workers and changing values, this is particularly important for the recruiting process. For qualified and committed employees, soft criteria such as working climate, working conditions and a good work-life balance are particularly important, in addition to appropriate pay and optimal career opportunities. These are all factors that the renowned F.A.Z. Institute took a closer look at and rated as positive at ETO.